
The Inspection before buying a property in Puerto Vallarta

The Inspection before buying a property in Puerto Vallarta

This must be one of the essential steps of a very important good treatment when buying a property, which allows you to visualize the possible expenses in your new house, in your investment, that although it is not the space in which you will live -because perhaps be it to generate income- is of the utmost importance when it comes to doing the accounts.

Although the selling party swears to you that there is nothing hidden, and that you really do not “see” anything, it is important that a professional with the knowledge and tools of review, measurement and observation, in addition to living with the costs and materials necessary, the professional will know how to give you a report with what is needed in case something is not right or detail what is missing a cat’s hand.

There is a basic list to check, in general, among the most important in the properties of Puerto Vallarta are: General maintenance of the house, Exterior and Interior painting, Humidity, Termites, state of the existing wood, floor, ceilings, roofs… .

If appliances and household goods are included in the sale, their optimal operation must be verified. The pipe, the drainage, the electricity; the functioning of doors, windows, blacksmithing and other basic installations for the good condition of the house in question, among some other things that are particularities of each property.

Regarding the cost of the Inspection, the professional has different budgets, taking into account different factors such as the area to be inspected, he will establish it at his discretion and it will be covered by the buyer, since it is in his interest that everything be verified before carrying out any deposit, which is previously determined in the offer accepted by both parties, and which is conditioned to the result of the inspection and some other clauses essential for the sale.

And what if I don’t want to do an inspection? Everything looks fine!

In the event that you do not wish to carry out the inspection of your new purchase, then you can waive it, in writing and expressly in addition to the contract, between you and the agent that represents you, thus disclaiming any result after the sale.

This is just one of the important steps to complete the purchase of a property in Puerto Vallarta.

photo taken from  https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photos-real-estate-inspector-home-inspection-report-file-image19829568

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