Old Town - Romantic Zone - 5 de Diciembre
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Visit the Rio Cuale flea market, there´s a chance to find all kind of crafts and souvenirs, several local huichol art and other cultures artisans have wonderful merchandise; Then try the hanging bridges and and head to downtown Vallarta Centro Area (Real Downtown) where you will find the City Hall, the main plaza, the main church (Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe) and of course, the world famous Malecon, the main attractive for Mexican and foreigners, where you will find, along the place several sculptures in bronze, and several restaurants facing the ocean, snacks, fast food restaurants, ice cream stores and more, making your hiking a whole adventure, if you have kids and or grand-kids.
The Absorption Rate, in Months chart shows how long the current inventory of properties would last at the current rate of sales. If no new properties were added to the market, and sales continued at a steady pace, the Absorption rate indicates the number of months required to sell all the properties on the market.
Absorption rate is based on two numbers: 1 The number of active listings 2 The average number of listings sold per month for the previous n months. The number of active listings is a “snapshot” of listings active on a single day (the 15th of the month). The number of months of sold listings, here, is 12. The formula is Absorption Ratio = A ÷ N Where A = listings active on the 15th of the month, and N = the average number of listings sold during each of the previous 12 months.
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